Long-Term Benefits of Raising Intrinsically Motivated Kids

Long-Term Benefits of Raising Intrinsically Motivated Kids When a child is intrinsically motivated, they are more apt to succeed in the long haul

Kids who are intrinsically motivated have a greater chance of reaching goals and succeeding. Psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes internally driven people as having autotelic personalities. They have a tendency to engage in an activity for [Read More]

Shapeshifting and Scoliosis – Transforming Into A New Self

Shapeshifting and Scoliosis – Transforming Into A New Self Healing scoliosis entails not just external changes but deep internal mind shifts

Shapeshifting is a common storyline in mythology, folklore, and sci-fi/fantasy fiction. In most native cultures, particularly Shamanism, the Shamans are touted to be skilled shapeshifters. They have the ability to change into whatever form as [Read More]

Defense Mechanisms: Transferring Our Past Onto Our Present

Defense Mechanisms: Transferring Our Past Onto Our Present Unhealed childhood trauma unwittingly plays out in our adult relationships

Growing up in a dysfunctional home, one had to adapt and adjust to the chaos all around.  Subconsciously, we adopted coping strategies or defense mechanisms to survive our abnormal situations. Often these habitual patterns of [Read More]

Honing Critical Thinking Skills In Your Child Early Becoming Wise About Human Nature Scoliosis and Deviated Septum – How Our Breath Shapes Us Theory of Mind : How Trauma Affects Our Social Functioning Raising Anti-Fragile Kids: Teach Them To Have Plan B, C… The Truth About Power Poses: Can They Help Tackle Scoliosis Unravelling The Cognitive Dissonance In A Toxic Family