Coming To America – A Deaf Woman’s Journey Of Healing Breaking The Habit of Being My False Self

Breaking The Habit of Being My False Self A false self is a survival strategy, becoming authentic is the key to mental health

Survival in a dysfunctional family entails keeping our parents/caregivers happy. How they feel, and what they want is what matters.  We repress our true feelings, needs, and desires in fear of being beaten, derided, or [Read More]

Your Emotional Fascia, The Reason For Your Scoliosis Closure – Dissolution of Hurtful Energetic Attachment Bonds Why I Wrote a Book About Being Able to Say ‘No’ To Manage Anger and Shame, Improve Your Distress Tolerance

Improve Your Distress Tolerance to Better Manage Anger, Shame Maginging distressing emotions requires awareness, tolerance and eventually release

Most of us have grown up being shamed for expressing anger.  With such an upbringing we learn to repress our anger and internalize the shame about our feelings. We are unable to manage or tolerate [Read More]

Frozen In Time – I was a 13 year old Mother How Covert Abuse Slowly Chips Away Your Sense of Self Journeying Into The Unknown World Of Idiopathic Scoliosis Knowing What Love Is and Isn’t Could Save You Unnecessary Suffering

Oxytocin Bind: Survivors Need To Relearn The Language of Love Survivors of childhood trauma have a skewed understanding of love

In general survivors of childhood trauma have trouble negotiating adult relationships. Either we push people away by erecting defensive walls or we become a magnet for cunning predators  We are confused whether a person cares [Read More]