When one is suffering from depression or C-PTSD, all one feels like doing is just lying down and shutting the world out. The pain is so intense that nothing seems to ease the torment, at that time instead of turning to drugs and drinks, I suggest that one invest in a pair of headphones and listen to healing sounds.

Many Choices In Sound Healing
The choice is vast and many of the free resources available do work. I can attest that sound does heal. However, as one begins to heal and evolve, one instinctively selects music that is needed for one’s own healing and growth, one may just want to listen to only a particular mantra or prayer. I found that very true for myself. Initially, I resisted following my inner voice to choose music that my spirit was led to pick. For healing to occur it is important we begin honoring our intuitive choices. Listen to your soul and keep an open mind.
Initially, with my Christian background, I was reluctant to try out Hindu or Buddhist mantras, but when out of desperation I reluctantly played the Gayatri Mantra lying in the sun, the transformation I felt was something I could only attribute to listening to the mantra. Since then, I have become open to what the universe is offering and willing to try anything to heal myself.
Psalms For Healing The Soul
Gradually, as I have progressed from a fragmented human being to becoming integrated, I feel a call back to my Christian roots, or maybe the inner need to express what I am feeling. I need words that have meaning, that express my inner longing and desires, a cry for consolation, a connection to the God of Ancestors, the feeling that I am sharing my deepest desires and needs, that I am heard, that I am understood.
The book of Psalms contains wisdom for every emotional and spiritual need. When recited or just listened to, it brings on a sense of calm, instills courage, and gives hope.
Psalms That Protect, Uplift and Calm
To heal we need the help of someone. However, sometimes when we are alone and lost with no human helping hand around, our only hope and solace is to turn to the Divine. We need to reach out into the recesses of our souls, lifting our eyes with hope and faith.
According to physician Larry Dossey, prayer does work. After practicing medicine for many years, he was stunned to find scientific evidence of prayer’s healing power!
Image Source: Pixabay
Further Resources:
Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine – Larry Dossey
The Energy of Prayer: How to Deepen Your Spiritual Practice – Thich Nhat Hanh