Anxiety-Proof  Kids by Giving Them Safety and Consistency Not Giving a Damn/F**k Bed-wetting, Sleepwalking, Hair pulling, Nail biting, Skin picking,  Stammering and the list goes on…

Bed-wetting, Sleepwalking, Hair pulling, Nail biting, Skin picking, Stammering and the list goes on… When under stress the mind finds ways to relieve itself with abnormal behaviors

In most cases, the stress in children is due to highly toxic family situations. According to the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Study, there are 10 types of childhood trauma measured in the study and five [Read More]

Healing Sounds & Words – Mantras, Psalms and Prayers Connection -The Key To Healing From Trauma Damaged By A Narcissistic Evil Woman Verbal Abuse – Hurtful Words Are Deeply Wounding Parental Violence Distorts  A Child’s  View of God

Parental Violence Distorts A Child’s View of God When kids are ill-treated, abused by their parents/primary caregivers their view of God gets distorted

Children come into this world pure, full of innocence, believing the world is a safe place, a happy place. Unfortunately, their parents carry the baggage of their past, “how their parents treated them.” Sadly, a majority of [Read More]