Transforming Our Trauma Response Personality  Treating Scoliosis With Botox, The Role of Acetylcholine The Elusive Key To Healing Trauma – Attachment Security Changing How Your Brain Neurons Fire and Wire Feeling Stressed and Anxious, Blame It On GABA When Your Child Develops Idiopathic Scoliosis… Bioenergetics: The Body-Mind Approach To Healing Scoliosis Looking-Glass Self – How Core Beliefs Affect Our Mindset

Looking-Glass Self – Our Core Beliefs Affect Our Mindset Our perception of how others view us affects our psychosocial development

Those early interpersonal interactions with our primary caregivers are the building block of identity formation.  They are the look-glass through which we form our core beliefs (lovable/good-enough or unlovable/defective) which in turn molds our mindset(mental [Read More]

Processing the Grief and Rage of Not Belonging

Processing the Grief and Rage of Not Belonging Having a sense of belongingness is an integral part of our psychological well-being

An integral part of feeling human is that sense of belongingness. We are innately programmed to want to belong to something/someone beyond ourselves.  At the core of belongingness are acceptance, support, and protection. Prolonged lack [Read More]

Functional Scoliosis: The Other Factors That Cause Scoliosis