Don’t Force Your Child Into Submission

Every Parent Should Know About ACEs Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACEs) reveals how the emotional experiences of a child affect their physical and mental health even as adults

Dr Vincent Felliti and Dr Robert Anda in their pioneering Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study, demonstrated the indisputable evidence how adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) negatively affect a child right up to his adult life. They [Read More]

The Term Unschooling  Is A Misnomer

The Term Unschooling Is A Misnomer Even though the brain is” neuroplastic”, and can regenerate itself, early child brain development is not very easy to unwire or undo

The recent so-called trend of ‘unschooling’ is a misnomer. Why so? Studies have proven that maximum brain development happens by the time a child is 3 years. Most parents think that changing schools or going [Read More]

The Wi-Fi of Human Connection Post-Traumatic Growth – New Beginnings Grief & Complex PTSD Alexithymia, Anhedonia, Amnesia – Frozen Feelings That Terrible Feeling of Loneliness