Defense Mechanisms: Transferring Our Past Onto Our Present

Defense Mechanisms: Transferring Our Past Onto Our Present Unhealed childhood trauma unwittingly plays out in our adult relationships

Growing up in a dysfunctional home, one had to adapt and adjust to the chaos all around.  Subconsciously, we adopted coping strategies or defense mechanisms to survive our abnormal situations. Often these habitual patterns of [Read More]

Honing Critical Thinking Skills In Your Child Early Becoming Wise About Human Nature Theory of Mind : How Trauma Affects Our Social Functioning Raising Anti-Fragile Kids: Teach Them To Have Plan B, C… Healing Scoliosis – Release The Energy of Your Pain-Body The Hidden Messages In Your Child’s Moods

Don’t Dismiss Your Child’s Bad Moods As Just A Passing Phase Effective handling your child's moods could protect them from mental health issues

It is common for parents to dismiss a child’s reactivity or non-reactivity as ‘oh she is in one of her moods” or ‘he is just going through a moody phase’. Believing in due course their child [Read More]

Liminal Space-The In-Between Period From Old To New Self Why Understanding Your  Child’s Temperament Is So Important

Why Understanding Your Child’s Temperament Is So Important Parental goodness of fit is a key in the development of a well-adjusted child

One very important parenting skill is understanding your child’s temperament.  Knowing your child’s unique behavioral style as in the way he/she experiences and reacts to the world helps the parent-child bond flourish. Sometimes,  your child’s [Read More]

Coming To America – A Deaf Woman’s Journey Of Healing