The Diana Myth And The Need To Stop Idealizing A Parent Teach Your Child Early The Critical Skill of Consent 10 Parenting Behaviors That Harm A Child’s Developing Brain

10 Parental Behaviors That Harm A Child’s Developing Brain Parenting is all about neuroplasticity, how we relate to our kids wires their brain

A child’s brain and body are not fully developed at birth. Besides, food, water, and shelter, a child needs attuned relational care of another human being. Unfortunately, many parents are still clueless as to what [Read More]

Unconditional Positive Regard: Accepting Kids As They Are Untruths From Our Childhood We Need To Stop Believing

Untruths From Our Childhood We Need To Stop Believing Truly growing up requires relinquishing the many untruths and faulty beliefs that were handed down to us

We are programmed and groomed since childhood to believe things that are not really true or are inherently false. Our parents, caregivers, and the school system work at creating obedient and pliable humans who will [Read More]

The Crazy-Making Parenting Style of Double Binds

The Crazy-Making Parenting Style of Double Binds Contradictory parental communication is highly damaging to a child's psychological development

A child’s brain development is dependent on repetitive attuned communication. Yet many parents fail miserably in consistently relating to their child in an honest healthy manner. They confuse their kids with conflicting messages thus putting [Read More]

The Prince, The Proud Feminist and Oprah Play Truth or Lies The Power of Touch: Creating Calm Regulated  Humans Lost in Triangulation: Getting Sucked into Toxic Drama Games

Lost in Triangulation: Getting Sucked into Toxic Drama Games Drama triangles are dysfunctional interpersonal interactions to ease tension in toxic situations

Triangulation is a common mode of interaction in dysfunctional families.  And children become unwitting players in the toxic drama games of the adults in their life. They get sucked into playing roles or scripts their [Read More]

Breaking The Habit of Being My False Self

Breaking The Habit of Being My False Self A false self is a survival strategy, becoming authentic is the key to mental health

Survival in a dysfunctional family entails keeping our parents/caregivers happy. How they feel, and what they want is what matters.  We repress our true feelings, needs, and desires in fear of being beaten, derided, or [Read More]