- ACEs Too High is a news site that reports on research about adverse childhood experiences, including developments in epidemiology, neurobiology, and the biomedical and epigenetic consequences of toxic stress. We also cover how people, organizations, agencies, and communities are implementing practices based on the research. This includes developments in education, juvenile justice, criminal justice, public health, medicine, mental health, social services, and cities, counties, and states.
- Chronic Illness Trauma Studies Dr. Veronique Mead, a family physician, and assistant professor’s blog focus on ACEs and how it affects our nervous systems, immune systems, gene function and increase our risk for disease and chronic illness.
- ACEsConnection: A community for sharing information on ACEs and recovery
- Dr. Stephen W. Porges, Ph.D. the Polyvagal Theory’s use in treating trauma.
- The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors takes a comprehensive approach to help people overcome and heal from body-focused repetitive behaviors.
- Childhood Trauma Recovery chronic illnesses intended to serve as an accessible, informative and concise introduction to childhood trauma and child abuse and their relationship to depression and anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), borderline personality disorder (BPD) and other conditions. Both causes and effects of childhood trauma are examined in detail, as are treatments and therapies available to survivors.
- Healing From Complex Trauma created by a survivor of C-PTSD
- Out of The Fog is written and developed by people who have experienced a relationship with a family member, spouse or partner who suffers from a Personality Disorder.
- Out of the Storm (OOTS) created and managed by volunteers who are in recovery from Complex PTSD, members are “experts” in the lived experience of Complex PTSD
- Beyond Meds documents and shares many natural methods of self-care for finding and sustaining health in body, mind, and spirit. This blog also deals with wider issues in the socio/political and spiritual realms as they pertain to mental health and human rights issues surrounding psychiatry.
- Breaking The Cycle The “cycle” is this: psychologically-wounded, unaware parents raise wounded, unaware kids. They grow up, choose wounded, unaware partners, and raise wounded, unaware kids – who repeat and spread the cycle and its effects in their society.
- Attachment Disorder Healing
- Alice Miller -Child Abuse & Mistreatment – Alice Miller sees the roots of worldwide violence in the fact that children are beaten all over the world, especially during their first years, when their brain becomes structured. The damages caused by this practice are devastating, but unfortunately hardly noticed by society
- Healing From Complex Trauma & PTSD / C-PTSD– Honest, informative and uplifting posts on recovery from C-PTSD by survivor Lily Hope Lucario
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