Life Is Short, Make The Best Of It Getting a perspective on living

Sometimes we all need to really understand what life is really about. The late innovator and tech genius succinctly put this across “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve encountered to help me make the big choices in life.”

[photo source: Wikimedia]

Finding Your Reason

The Japanese have a word Ikigai which means “a reason for being.” We need to have a purpose, a vision, a dream.  Even though it may not make us rich or famous, we have to love and enjoy doing that. The secret of happiness is being in a state of ‘flow’ when time just flies. We should not feel pushed to complete a task.

We need to live a purpose undriven life. When we love the work we do, we don’t feel stressed or need an escape. We don’t need to retire. Life is short don’t fritter it away not doing what you truly want to do.

The video below does a perfect analysis of one’s life and why not to waste it.
You only live 7 years!

How to spend your time

Don’t spend your time with people who don’t care about you. Leave, move on, let go. Be with people who love, respect and understand you. Life is short find ways to be happy. Every morning no matter what difficulties you’ve faced yesterday, you need to tell yourself today is a new day, I’ll do better.


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