Rewiring Your Brain – Changing Beliefs How does one change one's beliefs inorder to transform one's life

Rewiring Your Brain – Changing Beliefs

Change is difficult. We can’t just think ourselves out of feelings of low self-esteem, depression or lack of courage. The subconscious programming of our childhood holds us back. No matter how much we try to consciously make changes we somewhat never seem to achieve what we want.

Due to our past childhood programming, our belief systems become distorted.  We need to rewire our brain into believing that we are capable and competent. That we can overcome our limitations

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Our core beliefs shape our view of ourselves and how we relate to the world

The Power of Belief

In order to initiate change, we have to believe it is possible. Whether we want to fly a plane or start our own business or cure cancer. American developmental biologist, Bruce H. Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief states “A person’s perception, not genetic programming, is what spurs all action in the body: It’s actually our beliefs that select our genes, that select our behavior. We are not helpless slaves to our genetic or family history. However, changing beliefs is easier said than done.

Experiences Shape The Brain

Most of us grow in environments that foster negative beliefs about ourselves, our skills or our behaviors. We are chastened, derided or put down.  These constant negative experiences can cause the limbic system to get stuck in perpetual survival mode. This makes us see the world as an unsafe place even after threats of danger fade.

The instinctual limbic system will overpower the rational prefrontal cortex and make us even as adults feel hesitant and unconfident. This early priming changes our brain’s alarm system and influences our response to later experiences.  Our brain has become wired for negative self-limiting beliefs.

Changing Perceptions

These harmful indoctrinations of our childhood plays in our minds continually even as adults. We carry these fatalistic images of ourselves and the world in general. Changes within ourselves don’t begin at the brain level, they work on a much deeper level—our subconscious thoughts.  However, even though the brain is neuroplastic, it resists changes.

Canadian neurosurgeon discovered some truths about the human mind which revealed that when a person is forced to change a basic belief or viewpoint, the brain undergoes a series of nervous sensations equivalent to the most agonizing torture.

Brain Change Through Neuroplasticity

Despite the subconscious resistance to change we can rewire our brain through the use of our two senses – eyes and ears.  To program new thoughts and beliefs we need to change the way our neurons fire and make connections to one another.

The easiest way to change the synaptic connections is through sound therapy. Music influences the limbic system of the brain through pitch and rhythm, affecting our emotions. feelings and sensations.  The other way to change our thoughts and beliefs is through reading and watching inspiring stories. How another human being overcame hurdles and limitations to achieve success. Stories activate the insula, an emotional brain region.

However, the human mind doesn’t make much distinction between encountering an experience in reality and reading or watching for entertainment. According to neurochemist Paul Zak: “Stories are powerful because they transport us into other people’s worlds. But in doing that, they change the way our brains work and potentially change our brain chemistry.”

Homeless to Havard – Inspiring Talk by Liz Murray 

Using simple tools like music and stories we can effect change in our thoughts. By filling our senses with experiences and feelings we can change our belief systems. Whenever we are inspired by someone’s accomplishments we begin to believe that we too can triumph. The neurons in our brain become rewired, to believe transformation is possible.

 According to Jesus “if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Image Source: Pixabay

Inspired Reading

Long Walk To Freedom by Nelson Mandela
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Stitches – A Memoir Paperback by David SmallThe Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
Yes, Chef: A Memoir by Marcus Samuelsson
I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai
Breaking Night: A Memoir of Forgiveness, Survival, and My Journey from Homeless to Harvard by Liz Murray

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