Scoliosis – Fear, Shame & Your Tight Spinal Cord

Scoliosis – Fear, Shame And Your Tight Spinal Cord Emotions of fear and shame cause tightness in our bodies mainly our spines causing scoliosis

According to neuroscientist Prof. Milan Roth, a tight spinal cord or spinal nerve tension is the cause of most Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS). A tight spinal cord is the main limiting factor preventing doctors from [Read More]

Dysfunctional Families – All Is Not Fair In Love & Family

Dysfunctional Families – All Is Not Fair In Love & Family The pecking order in dysfunctional families are skewed, inequality, rage and violence are common

No one can really understand the real interpersonal dynamics in a dysfunctional family. The subterfuge, the denial, the hate, the animosity all behind a cloak of normalcy. That pervading, putrid existence of pretense that shutters the [Read More]

Secondary Wounding – Surviving The Stigma Of Scoliosis 5 Reasons Why Healing Childhood Trauma Is Tough Releasing The Past, Integration, Finding Your True Self Scoliosis – Trauma, Structural Dissociation, Split Brain

Scoliosis – Trauma, Structural Dissociation, Split Brain Childhood trauma causes one's psyche to split or dissociate causing fragmentation of our personality

Most people perceive ‘dissociation’ as depicted in M. Night Shyamalan’s movie ‘Spilt’.  This  “flipping” from one personality to another in a majority of trauma cases is usually not so dramatic –  one persona unaware of the other personality [Read More]

It Takes A Village But For Jealous Mothers, Ingrate Kids Letting Go Your Phantom Life With Perspective Training